The courtyard in Žižkov, Prague, Czech republic

The courtyard is part of the residential district in Žižkov and despite the relatively small area (14 × 17 m) we managed to bring many pleasant corners and nooks into it. It is intended to be another room of the house in the open air. One can sit in the grass, whether in the sun or in the shadow of a solitary tree. At the southwestern corner of the courtyard, under a massive wooden pergola, we can meet friends, have a breakfast or dine in the middle of lush greenery. We can grill vegetables from your own garden. With a glass of good wine we can swing in hanging chairs and forget about the city’s rush. Feeling of the closeness to nature is enhanced by the organically-shaped pond north of the pergola. The wooden footway, located just above the surface, allows  us the close contact with water, but also a “dry feet” passage. The rainwater from the roof of the residential building will be used as a source of water and it will be cleaned in the regeneration part of the pond with plants. We can also sit on a wooden box nearby, and enjoy the view of the water.

The entrance part is paved – it allows us free movement along the house and can also be used for practical tasks (washing the bike etc.). The corner part of the yard is a vegetable garden. It is supplemented by edible bushes such as serviceberry, Maule’s quince, aronia or raspberries. Elevated wooden beds are intended for growing vegetables and herbs. The third one is lower – it serves as a sandbox, and after covering it at the same time as a table of two colored chairs placed in the pleasant western light. And as in each of gardens we design, there is no lack of composter. The inhabitants of the house have the opportunity to sort organic waste and use it to create quality compost (and even better quality vegetables).

Residential garden, Prague – Strašnice

The garden at the Strasnice rental house was designed as a common space for several residential units. Wild flowering beds are not just a joy for the eye but also attract local wild fauna. Wooden elevated flower beds in the garden serve as a space where everyone who is interested in fresh vegetables and herbs can find their own. The gardens in this part provide a combination of edible fruit shrubs and aromatic herbs.

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